WARRIOR PURE GOLD Exclusive Beard Oil

(4 customer reviews)

3.990,00 RSD

With our EXCLUSIVE formula, infused with 23 carat gold flakes and its signature Warrior scent, it is the most luxurious beard oil on the market.
Years of experience and research, together with a lot of testing has led to the fact that we can proudly say that this is the finest beard oil you will ever have the pleasure to use.
You will find out what makes this beard oil so special as soon as you rub it through your hands and beard!
It comes with our handmade, finest genuine leather case. Perfect for protecting your favorite beard oil on the go!
There is no better way to honor your beard than applying gold with beard oil that is made from the highest quality natural ingredients. Hand poured for your beards enjoyment.
The Golden Spartan Beard Oil hydrates and moisturizes your beard while acting as a grooming tool. It prevents hair from growing brittle, helps prevent flaking, dandruff and skin dryness. It makes the beard more manageable, neat, soft and smooth.

To apply: Shake the bottle. Dispense the desired amount of beard oil onto your palm. Rub your palms. The gold flakes will dissolve immediately. Rub the beard oil onto your beard making sure that the beard oil is evenly distributed and reaches the skin. Use our beard comb to style your beard just the way you want it.


Ingredients: Argan oil, jojoba oil, amla oil, pecan walnut oil, castor oil, evening primrose oil, vitamin E, vitamin A, spicy eucalyptus essential oils, 23 carat gold flakes.

Note: Our products are clinically tested in a certified laboratory and possess health safety certificates.

5.00 out of 5
Based on 4 reviews

4 reviews for WARRIOR PURE GOLD Exclusive Beard Oil

  1. SR

    Aleksandra Todoric

    Kupila sam kolegi za rodjendan, ukratko, sada moram svakom ko ima bradu u firmi da kupujem 🙂

    • SR


      Hvala veliko na recenziji!

  2. SR

    Berbernica Čveger

    Spartanci, dugo godina koristimo vaše preparate i navikli smo na kvalitet, ali sa ovim proizvodom ste pokidali. Warrior pure gold topla preporuka za sve bradonje, pogotovo ljude sa suvom kožom i neposlušnom dlakom. Mi ga u berbernici trošimo kao blesavi i feedback je zaista neverovatan. Nećemo vas menjati.

    • SR


      Kad su begovi bili cicije! Samo neka tece zlato braco!

  3. SR


    veoma kvalitetno i mirisno ulje. obavezno ga probati ali ruku na srce, i ‘obicno’ ulje od 1040rsd vrsi odlican posao i to i vise od upola cene! svakako probati

  4. SR

    Tomislav M.

    Nevorovatna magicna bocica, nikada nisam stavio na bradu tako kvalitetan proizvod kao sto je Warrior pure gold ulje za bradu. Miris je jako prijatan i uz par kapljica moze da traje i do 24h. Problem sa iritacijom koze vise ne postoji a sjaj koji ulje daje izgleda fenomenalno.

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0.174 kg