4 reviews for Hypoallergenic All Over Soap
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790,00 RSD
Our Pure hypoallergenic soap is made from natural ingredients only and is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Without artificial colors, dyes, detergents, parabens and fragrances.
This bar is ideal for all skin types, ranging from dry to acne prone and those suffering from various forms of dermatitis.
It is perfect for your whole body, face and intimate region.
It is ideal for newly tattooed skin.
Due to the balanced proportions of natural oils and butters, it is suitable for every day use.
It will clean your sensitive skin without causing dryness or irritation.
Gentle enough for babies.
Ingredients: Saponified palm oil, olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter and castor oil. Demineralised water.
Note: Our products are clinically tested in a certified laboratory and possess health safety certificates.
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Predrag Bajic –
Prvi sapun koji mi ne isusuje kozu!
Stefan –
Sjajno! Veoma nam je drago 🙂
Srdjan Petkovic –
Moja jadna izmucena isuzena koza je konacno krenula da se oporavalja!
Stefan –
Nema vise suve koze!!! Hvala!
Aleksandar obradovic (verified owner) –
Sapun je ok. Voleo bi da ima jači miris da nije toliko neutralan, ali dosta kvalitetan
Stefan –
Hvala Vam na vašem komentaru. Hipoalergijski sapuni ne smeju da sadrže mirise u sebi. Zbog toga je naš Pure sapun bez mirisa.
Ivan –
Dovoljno je reći samo da je ovaj sapun sve što mi je potrebno u kupatilu. Sa njim se umivam, sa njim perem kosu i telo..jednostavno multi proizvod. Imao sam problem sa masnom kosom i nekim sitnim bubuljičicama po glavi…ali od kad koristim ovaj sapun za pranje kose to je potpuno nestalo. Neutralnog mirisa, lepo hidrira i čisti kožu. Za mene nezamenljiv.