AFTER NINE Premium Beard Balm

(4 customer reviews)

1.640,00 RSD

The perfect match up does exist. Our After Nine beard balm is the best proof of this. We blended a rich chocolate scent with a refreshing mint essential oil and made it possible for you to enjoy your favorite choco mint sweets every time you apply our beard balm. This incredibly long lasting scent will keep you smiling all day long.

The Golden Spartan exclusively uses the highest quality natural ingredients. Hand poured for your beards enjoyment.
The Golden Spartan Beard Balm hydrates and moisturizes your beard while acting as a grooming tool. It will provide the necessary hold that beard oils can’t. It prevents hair from growing brittle, helps prevent flaking, dandruff and skin dryness. It makes the beard more manageable, neat, soft and smooth.

Ingredients: white beeswax, Shea butter, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, almond oil, hemp oil, vitamin E, mint essential oil, chocolate oil.


Note: Our products are clinically tested in a certified laboratory and possess health safety certificates.

4 reviews for AFTER NINE Premium Beard Balm

  1. SR

    Vladimir Filipas

    Sjajne slatke mirisne note

    • SR


      Hvala 🙂

  2. SR

    Srdja Prica

    Kao slicno imene cokoladice… Pun pogodak i leti i zimii

    • SR


      Sve slicnosti su apsolutno namerne!

  3. SR


    Mint and chocolate chip je dobro poznata kombinacija, ali ne zvuci mi kao nesto sto zelim da imam na bradi. After eight reference je dobar gas – mozda narucim samo zbog dobrog brendiranja

  4. SR


    Odličan balzam, premijum kvaliteta kao i svi ostali proizvodi Spartansa, brada je negovana i poslušna, a miris…pa jedan od najozbiljnijih kandidata za kategoriju “OMILJEN”.

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0.073 kg