4 reviews for Luxury Leather Beard Care Kit
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19.540,00 RSD
That pretty much sums up our luxury leather beard care kit.
Handmade from the highest quality genuine Italian leather and equipped with the best Japanese zippers available, this leather kit is meant to last.
It is packed with all the goods your beard needs:
Two beard oils, beard balm, mustache wax, horn beard comb and an Italian beard brush. Plus, you have two spare compartments for your other necessities.
A perfect choice for a true hedonist.
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Igor Baranac –
Poslovni partneri iz Nemacke su se raspametili ovim neseserima! hvala vam!
Stefan –
Veoma nam je drago Igore. Hvala na recenziji.
Srdja Prica –
Samo cu vam reci da sam kupio 1 za tecu iz Kanade, i onda sam morao da posaljem jos 4 za njegove kolege 🙂
Stefan –
I onda nismo imali vise nesesera na stanju salu na stranu hvala vam veliko na ogromnom poverenju!
Ivan –
Šta reći o ovom remek delu… paaa… ako nemate bradu, vredi je pustiti samo da bi sebi priuštili nešto ovako vrhunsko, kvalitetno i ekskluzivno. Uđivaćete u svakom sekundu sa ovim unikatnim akcesoarom. Samo za prave bradate hedoniste.
Sokolov0412 (verified owner) –
Just read the first word that company used to describe this product…i agree.